Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reality hits.

My AIFS itinerary has finally arrived. There is no excuse for procrastination anymore.

pack. pack. pack.

I continue to live in the mindset that I have more time in Boston than I actually do. The days are creeping up on me faster and faster and I am becoming more aware how far behind I really am. Juggling work, sleep, and my last days of spending time with the friends I am leaving behind has left me with little time for preparation.

I will soon enter an entity very foreign to mine. I realize this. But I still keep my mind almost completely in the present.

I am beginning to realize how difficult it is to prepare for such a major step in my life.
This is not a vacation, I tell myself.
This. is. major.
This is going to be one of the best experiences of your life and you have done little to begin preparing.
You better begin soon..

So writing today is probably a positive thing. As I walk back and forth from the computer to the other side of my room, typing down more thoughts that come to mind, I find myself beginning to take out my suitcase, open my closet, and think.

look, think. prepare.

until next time.

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